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In Store Specials Add to Monitor Form

In Store Monitor Specials

Please complete the following form and submit to the Marketing Department to have your “In-Store Special” added to the monitors of your store. Please be sure to let us know where you are physically placing the item in your store so we can advertise it appropriately. PLEASE SUBMIT FORM ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF WHEN YOU WANT THE ITEM ADDED TO THE MONITORS.

  • *This MUST include the size and brief description of the item being added with as many details as you can provide.
  • Where is the item physically located within the store?
  • *Please let us know when you want the item to be on the monitor(s) as well as when you would like it removed. If a removal date is unknown, you will need to contact the Marketing Department directly to have the item pulled from the rotation once the Manager’s Special is sold out or removed.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 1 GB.
      *When using IGA brand or less common brands please be sure to provide a well lit images that shows the product in its entirety. The product should be level, taken straight on, and on a neutral background.

    Need help?

    Email Terri Lidwell at or Kelsey Baumgardner at if you have difficulties submitting this form.

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